My greatest desire is for you to come away having had the most wonderful time.
Therefore, upon initial contact, please indulge me by briefly acquainting your lovely self with me, and detailing how you’d like to spend our encounter together.
I have recently reverted all correspondence to my online form or direct email address mshannahsimpson@protonmail.com. Please do fill out the form as best you can. Any personal details shared will be handled with the utmost discretion, confidentiality and privacy.
Please provide at least one of the following
-A recent reference from a past provider: her name, website and contact method
-ID verification: A photo of either your driver's licence or passport
-Work verification: Please provide a link to either your Linkedin profile or company website that displays your name and contact info
It is my preference to not have to ask for your donation as this deters from the enticement. Please discreetly leave your donation on the counter or somewhere in eyesight at the beginning of our time together and then we can get to the fun stuff. For legality reasons, I choose not to handle any cash during our time together, therefore, I rely on the honors system, so please do ensure you have counted correctly.
Please prepare yourself for our meeting by ensuring you are fresh from the shower, and are neat and tidy down below. I am always freshly showered, and groomed impeccably.
If you are coming straight from work or feel as if you need to freshen up, I always allow 5 minutes at the beginning of every date for a quick shower. I also appreciate if you take the time to wash your hands and mouthwash before heading into the bedroom.
If you were to ask my preference, I would almost always opt for an advanced notice date (the lady doth protest too much) so please do try to keep this in mind. Spontaneity is always fun though, so sometimes I can be available at the last minute. Only sometimes though.
To book a date please e-mail me your name and preferred date and time to meet.
I always try to respond to my e-mails as fast as possible, but please allow for up to 24h.
Cancellations and Deposits:
A deposit is required for an engagement of 3 hours or longer. A deposit may also be required if an engagement was cancelled in the past. A cancellation fee of 50% if required if you cancel our date with less than 24hrs notice.
Deposit payment methods:
-Interac e-transfer (to the unrelated, non-descript e-mail address provided)
I choose not to show my face for privacy and discretion reasons, and also out of respect to the people I love. The world is not a safe place under the stigma, and unfavorable personal perspectives of certain sectors of society. Please deter yourself from asking me to send you a picture, because no one is safe until proven otherwise.
Sometimes reviews can help one ascertain a little more about the service I provide and attest to the nature of my physicality. Please peruse my Reviews for these tales of yonder.